CCM Market & Liquor



Shibui Grain Select 750ml

Shibui Grain Select is a unique and innovative Japanese whisky that blends Scottish and Japanese grain whiskies. It is a non-chill filtered whisky, meaning it retains its natural flavor and aroma. The whisky is aged in a variety of casks, including bourbon casks, oloroso sherry casks, and rare Japanese Mizunara oak casks.

Here are some key features of Shibui Grain Select:

    • Type of whisky: Japanese whisky blend
    • Mash bill: 95% wheat, 5% malted barley
    • Age: Varies depending on the batch
    • ABV: 43%
    • Tasting Notes: Baked lemon, aniseed, gently roasted spices, crispy roast chicken, rock pool minerality, sandalwood. Light bodied, floral with lemon and lychee, then greater complexity develops as juicy mandarin.
    • Casks: Bourbon casks, oloroso sherry casks, Mizunara oak casks
    • Non-chill filtered: Yes
    • Price: $70-80 USD

Shibui Grain Select is a versatile whisky that can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or in cocktails. It is also a good choice for sipping after dinner.

Here are some additional details about Shibui Grain Select:

    • The whisky is made with 95% wheat and 5% malted barley, which gives it a lighter and more delicate flavor than traditional Japanese whiskies.
    • The whisky is aged in a variety of casks, which imparts a complex and layered flavor profile.
    • The whisky is non-chill filtered, which means it retains more of its natural flavor and aroma.
    • Shibui Grain Select has been well-received by critics and has won several awards, including a gold medal at the 2020 San Francisco World Spirits Competition.