CCM Market & Liquor



"Jose Cuervo Light Peach Mix" as of December 2023. However, there are a couple of possibilities you might be thinking of:

1. Jose Cuervo Authentic Light White Peach Margarita:

This is a ready-to-drink margarita made with Jose Cuervo tequila, natural peach and lime flavors, and agave nectar. It has a light and refreshing flavor profile with a 9.95% ABV.

2. Jose Cuervo White Peach Margarita Mix:

This is a limited-edition mix made with Jose Cuervo tequila, white peach puree, and lime juice. It's also a pre-mixed drink and has a sweeter profile than the Authentic Light option.

3. DIY Light Peach Margarita:

If you're looking for a lighter option, you can always mix your own using Jose Cuervo tequila, light-colored peach nectar or puree, lime juice, and agave nectar. You can adjust the sweetness and tequila-to-mix ratio to your liking.