CCM Market & Liquor


Kahlúa Original is a renowned coffee-flavored liqueur known for its rich taste and versatility. Here's a concise description of Kahlúa Original in the 750ml bottle size:

Type: Kahlúa Original is a coffee liqueur crafted from a blend of rum, sugar, vanilla, and arabica coffee beans.

Flavor Profile: It boasts a robust and distinctive flavor profile, characterized by the intense essence of coffee beans, subtle notes of caramel, sweetness from sugar, and a touch of rum.

Uses: Kahlúa Original is a versatile liqueur commonly used as a key ingredient in a variety of cocktails, including the famous White Russian, Espresso Martini, Mudslide, and Black Russian. It's also an excellent addition to desserts, baked goods, and coffee-based beverages.

Bottle Size: The standard bottle size for Kahlúa Original is typically 750ml, a widely available size at liquor stores and supermarkets.

Kahlúa Original in the 750ml bottle is readily found in liquor stores and retail outlets. You can explore local liquor stores or check online retailers to purchase this iconic coffee liqueur.