CCM Market & Liquor


Montelobos Mezcal Espadín in a 750ml bottle refers to a specific expression of mezcal produced by Montelobos, a brand known for its high-quality mezcal offerings. Here are some key points about Montelobos Mezcal Espadín:

1. **Type:** Montelobos Mezcal Espadín is made from the Espadín agave, which is the most commonly used agave variety in mezcal production. It's known for its relatively quick maturation and is widely cultivated in Oaxaca, Mexico.

2. **Production:** Montelobos focuses on traditional mezcal-making techniques, including the roasting of agave hearts (piñas) in earthen pit ovens lined with volcanic rocks and covered with agave leaves. After cooking, the piñas are crushed, fermented, and then distilled in copper alembic stills.

3. **Taste Profile:** Mezcal made from Espadín agave often exhibits a balance of smoky, earthy, and herbal flavors with nuances of fruitiness. The specific taste profile of Montelobos Mezcal Espadín may vary, influenced by the production methods and terroir of the agave used.

4. **750ml Bottle Size:** This is a standard size for many spirits and is commonly found in retail stores, allowing mezcal enthusiasts to purchase a larger quantity of their preferred spirit.

5. **Versatility:** Montelobos Mezcal Espadín can be enjoyed neat to appreciate its unique flavors, used in cocktails to add depth and smokiness, or paired with suitable food to complement its characteristics.

Montelobos is known for its commitment to traditional mezcal production methods, focusing on sustainability and respect for the environment. Montelobos Mezcal Espadín, with its emphasis on Espadín agave and traditional processes, offers a taste of authentic mezcal with its distinctive smoky and complex flavors.